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Nintendo Switch with Neon Blue

Razz Ends: Jun 1, 2020, 11:59 pm
Category: Electronics
Ships to: Canada Icon
Condition: New (Original Packaging)
Authenticated By: N/A
Authentication #: N/A
Warranty: No

The Nintendo Switch combines the mobility of a handheld with the power of a home gaming system, offering unprecedented gaming and entertainment experiences

The Nintendo Switch and Dock connects the system to the TV and lets you play with your family and friends in the comfort of your living room

With a bright, high-definition display Nintendo Switch lets you bring your at-home gaming experience with you anywhere; to the Park, on an airplane, in a car -- anywhere

Attach the Joy-Con controllers to either side of Nintendo Switch for solo gaming on the go or detach them from Switch and use a Joy-Con controller in each hand

With multiple Joy-Con controllers from a number of systems (each sold separately), numerous people can gather for a variety of gameplay options

Location: Canada Icon
Member Since: March 2020


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